The Ambassadors of Love share prayers and gifts at special times of the year. A.O.L. serves adults in special living accommodations and children in group homes.
What is an Ambassador? By definition an ambassador is “any authorized messenger or representative assigned to a specific mission.”
The Ambassadors of Love are patterned after Unity’s Silent 70 whose purpose was to spread the Word of God by delivering publications to those who were home-bound or confined in hospitals, and institutions.
A.O.L. share prayers and gifts at special times of the year.
Ambassadors of Love are messengers and representatives assigned To spread the Word of God by delivering literature and spreading cheer and good will . . . In a way that expresses the love and teachings of Jesus Christ and this unique ministry . . . So that all who come in contact with us will know this church and this ministry as helpful, caring and loving.
“By this every man shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.”
(John 13:35)